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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/10/05
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, October 5, 2009

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Fred Gallup, Charlotte Brown. Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Absent: Emma Smith

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Jessica McAuliff, Howard Sargent, Donna Gazelle, Peter Urbach, Dan Banks, Lisa Bozogen, Suzanne Gottling.

The meeting was called to order by Stephen White, Chairman at 7:00PM

Jessica McAuliff, Public Health Network Coordinator
Ms. McAuliff gave a brief overview of what the public health networks role is for the 15 public health regions. Ms. McAuliff heads the Regional Coordination Committee made up of  a variety of town agencies including selectmen, health officers, EMDs, school administrators, visiting nurses, EMS, police, fire chiefs, etc. Howard Sargent, the Emergency Management Coordinator is the Sunapee representative. The committee meets the 3rd Thursday of the month. Ms. McAuliff also gave an overview on what the plan is for the H1N1 clinics. Ms. McAuliff stated further information or regular updates would be available on the County’s website:

Town Manager’s Report
Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board of the employee flu clinic will be held on Friday, October 23rd from 9:30-10:30 at the Town Office.
Donna Nashawaty also reminded the Board of the Coalition meeting this Friday, October 9th at 9:45am at the Local Government Center in Concord. Selectman Brown will represent the Board.

Kenneth Meyer and Richard Duperey- Budget Advisory Committee
•Chairman White introduced Mr. Meyer and Mr. Duperey to the Board and gave the Board the opportunity to ask questions.
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the new members about the Department Budget Presentations, Friday November 6th starting at 8:00am at the Town Office Meeting Room. It is an all day session. Donna Nashawaty also reminded the members about the Budget Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 8th at 10:00am.

Selectmen’s Action
Motion to appoint to the Budget Advisory Committee  Shane Hastings, Kenneth Meyer and Richard Duperey by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Gallup. All in Favor

Public Comments
Dan Banks wanted to “set the record straight” regarding the letter the Board received from the Sunapee School District asking the Board to not appoint Mr. Banks to the Budget Advisory Committee because he was currently in litigation with the school district, Mr. Banks stated that it was not true. Chairman White stated that Mr. Banks did have a conflict of interest with the Board of Education, which Mr. Banks replied “absolutely not”. Chairman White asked Mr. Banks if he has appealed to the State Board of Education, which Mr. Banks said was true. Mr. Banks stated that he disagreed with a decision the School Board had made and asked the State Board of Education to review it, which had nothing to do with the budget or School District. According to Mr. Banks, it is an administrative review, not litigation for a lawsuit. Chairman White stated that the School Board was very uncomfortable with Mr. Banks being on the Budget Advisory Committee. Selectman Brown stated in retrospect, maybe the Board should have met with the School Board and Mr. Banks to clarify the issue before making a decision. Chairman White stated that he had made that offer to the Board of Selectmen at the time, but didn’t see a reason to discuss something again that had already been discussed in public.   

Chairman’s Report
•Chairman White informed the Board of the Lake Sunapee Watershed Infrastructure Project meeting on Wednesday, October 28th at 6:30pm at the Newbury Town Hall.
•Chairman White reminded the Board of the Scenic Byway presentation on Thursday, October 15th at the regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting. The Zoning Board and the Conservation Commission have also been invited.
•Chairman White informed the Board of the Local Government Center annual conference November 18th -20th at the Radisson in Manchester.

Town Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty received the 2009 Law Lecture Series booklets from the Local Government Center. In addition, the 2009 Basic Laws of Budgeting was included and Donna Nashawaty will copy the pages that pertain to the Town to be included in the 2009 Budget Presentation book.
•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board of the Superior Court case that was filed against the Town on a Tax Abatement for the 2009 Tax year. In talking with Norm Bernaiche, the Town Assessor, his suggestion to Donna Nashawaty was to talk to Bart Mayer, the attorney for Newbury and New London since they have gone to court in the past for land value cases, Sunapee has not. Donna Nashawaty asked for the Board’s opinion, does the Town use the Mitchell Municipal Group, who are the Town’s attorney or someone who might have more experience with the value of lakefront property on Lake Sunapee.

After doing some research and talking with Mr. Mayer, Donna Nashawaty recommended to the Board that the Town use their attorney at Mitchell Municipal Group. Selectman Gallup suggested that the Town’s attorney talk to Mr. Mayer to share information that might be a benefit to the case. Selectman Roach thought it was a good idea for the Town attorney to talk with Mr. Mayer. Selectman Roach feels all 3 towns have a stake in this case, depending on the decision it will affect all 3 towns. After discussion the sense of the Board was to use the Town attorney.

•Selectman Brown questioned whether a committee, such as the Gardeners or any group that has a budget need to attend the Budget Presentation. Donna Nashawaty explained that Tony Bergeron would be presenting the line item for the gardeners, it is in his budget.

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:_____________          

____________________                            ______________________
Stephen White, Chairman                         Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________                 
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Frederick Gallup

Emma M. Smith